Quality, Environment, Health and Safety Policy
The integration of Quality, Safety and Environment, with a view to an increasingly modern, efficient and sustainable organization, is for MODULA an essential in the achievement of its objectives.
The High Management to pursue Customer Satisfaction, acts with the utmost determination to achieve the standards defined in compliance with the environmental and social needs of the community in which it operates.
The organization believes in individual responsibility and we recognize our responsibilities to our customers, employees and the community.
The most valuable asset of our company is the reputation for integrity that we enjoy and an important element for maintaining that reputation is our commitment to sustainable development.
For these reasons, the organization has adopted an Integrated Quality and Environment Management System in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018 regulations.
With this document it is considered appropriate to highlight the guidelines of the Company Policy for Quality, the protection of the environment and health and safety of stakeholders, in order to disseminate and share its objectives and involve all stakeholders in achieving the goals set.
To this end, it shall identify the following primary objectives:
- the pursuit of “customer satisfaction”, to which continuous and constant attention is paid;
- the protection and safeguarding of the environment and its significant environmental aspects;
- the involvement of staff and the safety and health of the working environment;
- the continuous improvement.
With reference to the improvement plans the company establishes the following objectives/ targets:
As for Quality, the company’s commitment is to optimize direct and indirect activities to ensure customers reliability and quality in compliance with the specific requirements, mandatory requirements, customer needs and expectations, in particular with a view to:
- Maintain a high-quality standard of products.
- Building customer loyalty (Constantly increasing its level of competitiveness and profitability; remaining attentive to market trends and quickly proposing innovative solutions; focusing on innovation and partnership and monitoring customer satisfaction).
- Retain suppliers and monitor their performance;
- Reduce non-conformities, complainte, delays etc.
- Reduce overhead costs by evaluating alternative proposals that maintain the company’s health and safety policy (Using processes as a means of improvement to ensure continued business growth in a context of collaborative, mutually respectful and professional growth; Using training, information and communication as a vehicle for the development of the potential of employees by improving their individual attitudes; Verify with seriousness, correctness and competence the objectives set, using data to pursue continuous improvement of results and performance)
For the Environment, the company’s commitment is to protect it taking into account the guidelines of Community environmental policy, researching available and economically compatible technologies and methodologies, following the most effective management practices and aiming at the continuous improvement of energy efficiency and environmental balance in particular by:
- Take an active role of environmental protection in the conduct of its activities, using all measures to prevent pollution and promoting environmental improvement objectives with a view to sustainable development;
- Get energy savings where possible;
- Reduce waste produced with particular reference to waste not sent for recycling;
- Reduce related effects both within the company and in the surrounding environment;
- Comply with mandatory and reference regulations;
- Sensitize suppliers and contractors to environmental, health and safety issues and to them require compliance with the policies adopted by the Company;
- Communicate, if required, in a transparent way its environmental performance to the local community and customers to obtain and consolidate the trust of third parties;
With regard to Health and Safety in the workplace, the commitment is to keep high attention on compliance with current regulations by ensuring that: - Every operator is motivated to develop their professional skills, role responsibilities and commitment to the prevention and protection procedures obtained through the dissemination of the safety culture and awareness of this culture;
- There is a guarantee of adequate resources to finance information and training training;
- Safety and health levels are constantly monitored and the ergonomic aspects of the workplace and the psychophysical well-being of workers are always of high quality;
- There is a control that guarantees and ensures that within the whole organization there are no discriminatory actions, psychological abuse, harassment, threats, marginalization, to disavow the conditions and motivations to collaborate in the company;
- Discussion tables with new or historic suppliers are set up to monitor any inconsistencies and to maintain transparent and collaborative relations with public authorities, workers and citizens;
- Appropriate procedures are adopted and maintained to manage any emergencies so as to limit as far as possible the damage caused by them;
- Performance is monitored and reviewed, where necessary taking improvement actions;
MODULA treats all its Customers, our Business Partners and members of our community with dignity and courtesy.
The organization is aware that living this value also involves integrity, respect for different cultures, respect for fundamental human rights and respect for the environment. To ensure that our Policy is respected, Quality, Respect for the Environment and Health and Safety must be present in everything we do and that is why the Company is constantly improving its working methods.
Piandimeleto, 14 Febbraio 2023
Brugnettini Massimo
(CEO Modula S.r.l.)

Quality and Safety
Safety and functionality are the core values of the Modula Case System, which is confirmed by the numerous tests carried out on some of our products.
Reliability and quality are coordinated with the sensitivity of Made in Italy design, able to interpret the new aesthetic and functional trends.